Prompt 47: What’s Something You Thought Was Normal, But Isn’t? When Did You Realize it Wasn’t?

Every family has different holiday traditions. My mom didn’t cook very often. She is a good cook she just didn’t seem to enjoy it. 

Many holidays we would go out with for dinner, go to a hotel or my mom would order a deli tray at our house.

Other than thanksgiving it never occurred to me that eating a sit down holiday meal at someone’s house was “normal”.

When I began dating my ex she and her family would go to her sister in law’s parents house for Thanksgiving. Eating a home cooked meal on a holiday appealed to me.

Things would evolve from there. We dated for over two years before we got married. As things evolved I began to learn that many families spent numerous holidays in a sit down dinner with other relatives and friends at someone’s home.

I liked the idea of eating a sit down meal for a holiday dinner. Every time I was around her siblings they did everything they could to make me and/or my family feel uncomfortable and not welcome.

We tried to start creating our own traditions and normal. It seemed as if too many setbacks and people getting involved in our life would block our path to being able to live our life and raise our own family. I don’t even know what “normal” is anymore.

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